“You are shaming a lot of us into it..! You
do realize that New Year’s is still a few
weeks away, right?!”
^Comment a gentleman dropped after seeing LostFit Elite
Member Elliott Summey getting after it in his transformation
Seems this time of a year flips somewhat of
dimmer switch inside everyone
Going into what I like to call
Hybernation Mode
Saying things like
‘Only a couple weeks away..When the New Year
hits, that’s when I’ll make a change!’
It’s strange though
For some have themselves convinced that
somehow massive change will occur once the
clock strikes midnight on the 31st of this
Thinking they’ll some how have more time
available to be able to focus on themselves
Less Busy per say..
Isn’t it ironic (que 90’s Alanis Morissette tune)
The same peeps that say they’re too busy now
will be the same ones that say they just
don’t have the ‘time’ six months from now..
I’ll admit it though amigo
I’ve been guilty of this as well..
“Next year things will be different, you’ll
and there lies the BIG problem
Trying to convince ourselves that the right
time is just around the corner..
There will never be that time when lines up
perfect in your life (just like I’ve said
Which now brings me to my next point
That’s the amount of people who in just a few
weeks time will think that somehow
Osmosis will occur
and the Results they’ve been longing for will
just magically appear
Wrong reindeer
They won’t
Sounds harsh
but I have a good reasoning behind WHY this
Let me explaineth this for you in a little
flashback video piece I put together
You can watch it here:
Logan ‘Be the Other 8 Percent’ Henry
PS It’s true Elliott and the other Men inside
the LostFit Elite Family are ahead of the
and their results speak for themselves..
but waiting doesn’t have to be the case for
you my friend
Change can Start when YOU decide it’s time
When the pain of staying where you are
outweighs the pain of the actual change
Only you can know when that time will be
and if it’s now then go ye here:
If you’ve tried it all before, you value your time, you’re fed up, you’ve lost motivation, and you’re ready to make a serious change and commit to a program
that will guarantee you results. Then let’s have a conversation to find out what’s currently holding you back from the results you want, so you can finally get in the shape you want, stress free Click below