This is coming to you a little late today my
I’ll be honest
I was up all night putting together
the upcoming events for the LostFit
but as I was up late I got to thinking about
why it’s so difficult for others to pursue
their goals..
Me included
To really take hold and go after what they
Whether it be to take their body to the next
Take their relationship to the next level..
Get a promotion or take their biz to the next
All things that would require massive action
I’ll be the first to admit there’s been many
times where I said I couldn’t do something
because I thought everything was against me
“No time”
“Don’t know how”
“It would be better if I wait till
“This isn’t going to work”
“Don’t have the funds to make it happen”
“This will be just like the last time”
Thoughts like these would linger around my
head for so long
That I would become paralyzed at the thought
of even making a decision to move forward
Sound familiar?
I’m sure you’ve seen it surrounding you before
People blaming their circumstances as a
justified reason as to WHY they can’t do
Whether it’s the government, their job, their
family life..
You name it
It will be everyone else’s fault [not theirs]
that’s stopping them from reaching their true
potential in reaching the goals they want
It’s a horrible cycle to be on and will only
lead down the path of regret and failure
I know because I’ve been down that path and
it never ends well
So for today I’d have you consider that it’s
not your current situation that’s stopping
It’s your mindset..
If you don’t take control of that first
Nothing will ever come to fruition for you
On that note
I leave you with this question
Where in your life are you letting your
‘circumstances’ dictate the outcome you truly
want across all areas of your life: body,
relationships, business..?
And Your mission is this
Find the area that you know you want to go
after something and just commit that know
matter what you will pursue it
No matter what the circumstances
Just Commit and DO
Logan ‘Mindset is Everything’ Henry
PS If you’re ready to breakthrough your
current situations and get on the fast track
towards results then click here