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Why Cardio is a Waste of Time (Do This Instead)

If you’re a fan of excessive cardio, AKA constantly running, awesome…

Keep doing what you love.

But if you’re doing it because you think it will equate to greater fat loss or help you drop those unwanted pounds… I’d have you reconsider your approach my friend.

When it comes to achieving low levels of body fat, most people think that they have the trick – more cardio. And that idea is fine, but most times, the application (e.g. the types of cardio that you’re doing) is flawed.

If you have limited time to train during your week, and your primary goal is to get leaner, then weight training will HAND’S DOWN trump any other form of cardio… unless we’re talking HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) which I will get into later in this post.

If you’re like, “What on earth is this guy talking about?”

Stay with me here.

If you’re doing endless bouts of training on things like: the Elliptical, Stair Master, or just straight up running for hours on end you’re being counterproductive in your approach to get leaner.

That’s a cold hard FACT.

Do I think it will make you fatter…?

Absolutely not. But it will wreak havoc on your cortisol levels, your joints, make recovering a battle, and will be hazardous to your health if you’re looking to get in the best shape possible.

Optimized Cardio

People have this notion that lifting weights will turn them into a burly barbarian… A notion that’s okay for most men, but for women, forget about it.

When you’re a busy professional (always on the go) you need to do what’s optimal for your OVERALL fat loss, regardless of your sex.

When you just run, run, and run some more, you’re body ends up bypassing your fat storages and eating up any lean, toned muscles that you have.  Leaving you looking flaccid, or as it’s more commonly known, “the skinny/fat look.”

This right here is why weight lifting TRUMPS hours of cardio any day.

Yes it’s true, you won’t be burning as many calories when you weight train as you would when you run for hours on end. But, if done properly, you can speed up your metabolic output by keeping your intensity high and lifting weights in a repetitive manner.

If I’m losing you, let me break it down a little more simply:

We have two people, Person A and Person B…

Person A decides that it’s time to kick things into high-gear and start getting back into shape.

They decide to start running every day of the week, but neglect the weights because they believe it will make them bulky, or are just confused on where to start.

Person B has the same motives as Person A, to bring their sexy back, get lean, and feel better about their overall health…

But Person B decides to do some weight training 2-3 times per week, while cutting down to almost ZERO cardio.

After just 1 cardio session Person A burns up to 700 calories.

After just 1 weight training session Person B burn’s up to 550 calories.

On the surface, it looks like Person A has the upper hand in this situation…

But that’s where you’re WRONG.

Even though Person A burnt more calories (in just one session) than Person B, Person B (who burned 550 calories in one training) set their metabolism through the roof for the next 48 hours thanks to the energy output training with weights afforded him.

Making that 550 calories double, if not triple over the next couple of days.

Do you see where I’m going with this?

When you do excessive cardio, e.g. run tons of miles, spend hours on a Treadmill or Stair Master your body will burn a specific amount of calories within that period of time…

But, here’s the catch, once you’re done with your cardio session, the calorie burn stops to a dead halt.

When you weight train, this is not the case. Instead of your calorie burn stopping dead in its tracks, it will carry on for up to 48 hours after your weight training session has ended… allowing you to hold onto your existing lean muscle and keep your cortisol levels in check—which is what you want.

Cortisol can be a hindrance to fat loss (or building a well-rounded beach body in general) so we need to try and prevent it from spiking as much as we can.

Now that you know why cardio isn’t the best choice for you if you’re looking for long-term fat loss results, I want to share something I like to call, “The Full Body Fat Blaster” with you – which you’ll find in the video below.

This is a great weight training workout that you can pretty much do anywhere to help you burn fat and boost your metabolism.

When you do this workout, make sure that you take your basic compound lifts and functional training exercises and perform them in a repetitive fashion. This will put your overall metabolic output at an all-time high, and leave your body in a perfect state – which will not only help you burn body fat, but also help you mobilize it.

Give it a try and let me know if you have any questions about it, or fat loss in general. It’s time to step outside of your comfort zone and TRY A DIFFERENT STATE OF CARDIO.

Logan, “Release the Fat”  Henry


P.S. – I understand if you haven’t worked out in a while and the thought of even doing a quick routine like the one above can come off as quite daunting… but fear not my friend. I have put together a full 2 week all bodyweight plan for you to follow so that you can get in shape WITHOUT having to spend endless hours in the gym to ease you back into the routine of working out.

To get that routine, just click the button below and I’ll send you a copy of my infamous Executive Blueprint (full of powerful “Man-Hacks” which reveal the EXACT step-by-step blueprint I use to get coaching clients FIT, strong, and athletic) for FREE. I’ll even through in a copy of my full step-by-step nutrition guide just because.

>> Click Here to Claim Your Free ‘Man Hacks’ Guide

P.S.S – If you’re serious about getting results, but confused on what steps to take, simply fill out the short form below and we’ll schedule an exploration session together to give you more clarity on the direction YOU NEED to take to get the results you want.

You can fill out that form HERE.

How To Destroy Your Love Handles With Just 5 Moves

I feel ya, my man

Relaxing after a long week and getting ready to dominate the
week ahead…

Well to keep you focused, on point, and
starting your week off with POWER

Here’s my special gift for you:

Your Mission:

Choose 5 out of the 44 Exercises above and complete them all in one circuit, with little to no rest between each round. 4 Rounds Total.

Pick your poison wisely and make sure you’re
confident with each move you choose.

Coach Logan Henry

PS- Discover How to Busy Guys are Training Less, Eating More & Achieving Unthinkable Results in 90 Days by clicking the picture below
lfx (blog) post image with play button

The 8 Best Cardio Workouts for The Guy Who Hates Running

If you’ve been tuning in for some time now, you know my beef with traditional

cardio in terms of burning fat and losing those unwanted pounds…

If you’re new here, first read this:


Plus, if you’re a fan of running, awesome, keep doing what you love…

However, if you hate running or you’d like to accelerate your results…

I’d have you consider giving these 8 Best Cardio Workouts a Go

#1- 15 Minute Bodyweight Burner

#2- Full Body Dumbbell Fat Blaster

#3- Killer Bodyweight Circuit

 #4- Metabolic Meltdown Workout

#5- 15-Minute Metabolic Cardio Ladder Workout

#6- 10 Minute Fat Melting HIIT Workout

5 Simple Steps to Lose Your Gut (and get abs)

The busy guys I coach on daily basis all have key reasonings as to why 

they began their transformation journey in the first place.

Most at the beginning will tell me that abs aren’t the primary goal

Which it may not be at first…

More Confidence

More Energy

Less Stress

Better Sex with their significant other 

are usually top priority…

Which are really the only things that matter when it comes to bettering your overall life

However, as their transformation continues…

What they once thought was impossible to achieve

They begin to quickly realize that getting

Abs based on their past experiences is actually 


Heck it’s a guarantee within the LostFit coaching realm (willing someone is committed)

Below I will break down the simple steps to go through

So you can start unleashing your core as well


The Breakdown


There are a couple of ground rules that I would like to lay before these simple steps are revealed…

–>Abs are not just made in the kitchen.

This idea that just eating healthy will get you a six pack is a bit ridiculous. Granted, with the right nutrition protocol in place you will see changes in your body, but when it comes to dropping that belly fat and developing a tighter  core you must go the extra mile.

–>The Perfect Six Pack is your destiny.

Not so much. See, everyone has abs, but the genetic makeup will vary from person to person. You might have the mindset to want abs just like your favorite celebrity, but that might not be in the cards for you. Be the best version of you and you will come out on top every time.

–>Start getting leaner.

I can give you the best advice in the world on abdominal training, but if your not in lower digit body fat numbers you will never see that work of art you’ve been working so hard for..

NOTE: If you have excessive body fat, it’s ok to work your abs, but your first primary goal should be to shed some pounds, then focus on bringing in your core

Now that I’ve had my rant, I’m going to take you in the realm of effective abdominal training. It won’t be for those who are a fan of the quick-fix, but if done right and consistently, you’ll start to see some results

5 Simple Steps to Live by when striving to lose the gut and tighten up your core:

1. Increased Frequency.

I’m not talking about doing 1,000 crunches in a day, that will get you nowhere. I’m talking about training your abs on average at least 4 to 6 days a week. That doesn’t mean use heavy weight every day, change it up, always keep the body guessing.

2. Ditch the High Reps.

Contrary to popular belief, the abs are comprised of predominately fast twitch muscle fibers. This means they respond very well to a rep scheme of around 8-15 with tempo being varied from each set and tension lasting for up to 30 seconds.

3. Think Giant

I’m a huge proponent of giant sets especially when it comes to training the core.  A giant set is when you go from one exercise to another with little to no rest in between sets. Challenging? Yes. Effective? Absolutely

4. Start with the Lowers.

It’s true your abs are one sheet of muscle, but you can divide the areas you focus on and try to isolate each region effectively. I am yet to find someone who has a better lower abdominal region compared to the rest. Stick to priority: Lower Abdominals, Side Abdominals (Obliques), and Upper Abdominals.

5. Minimal Rest

Taking 5 minutes between each set to look on your phone or socialize with a fellow member will not get you the results you’re looking for. Keep a timer on you and make sure to take no more than 60 to 75-second rest between each giant set.

A Quick Ab Workout For You to Try:

Overhead Crunches (Hands Above Your Head): 10 Reps with a 4:1 tempo (4 is the negative, 1 will be the positive)

Incline Russian Twist: 15 Reps with a 2:1 tempo

Inchworms: 10 Reps with weight 3:1 tempo

Reverse Crunches (On the Floor): 15 Reps with a 2:1 tempo

3 rounds total: 60-75 seconds rest between each round


If you’re the guy who wants to step things up a notch

Try this one here:

NOTE: The negative is the bottom part of any movement and the positive is when you’re coming up in the movement.

Give it a go and let me know what you think.

Stay Core Strong,


PS-. I hope this helped give you an idea of how to train your abs effectively,

but if you’re still a little confused on where to start in terms of getting in better shape,

Or get the results you want fast then go here:

Just Click the Button Below and I’ll send you the
FREE overnight blueprint of powerful
“Man-Hacks” which reveals:

How you can drop some SERIOUS belly fat whilst still eating like a man..and without spending hours in the that all your guy friends are asking what your ‘secret’ is

>> Click Here to Claim Your Free ‘Man Hacks’ Guide

Stupid simple workout wins the day

Let’s dive right in my man

As I want to make sure you get right on this

So without further adieu

I give to you the quickest (at home) workout that will hands down

**Firm up your chest

**Destroy unwanted belly fat


Finally, get you to ditch those man boobs for good

You’ll want to check this out:

Watch, learn, and APPLY

Till tomorrow,


Bonus: Click the Button Below and I’ll send you, my
famous FREE overnight blueprint of powerful
“Man-Hacks” which reveals: The EXACT
step-by-step blueprint I use to get coaching
clients FIT, Strong, and Athletic. (plus a full step-by-step nutrition guide)

>> Click Here to Claim Your Free ‘Man Hacks’ Guide


Super-Fast Fat Loss Workout (no equipment needed)

Come on.. JUST DO IT

Easier said than done for most..

As a busy professional myself, I can relate with everyone on the fact that time is crucial when it comes to getting anything done..

Especially, when it comes to getting in shape.

Your mind is going in all different directions and the thought of even heading to the gym just isn’t there.

You need something that’s both efficient and effective

Something I refer to as   “quick, yet dirty.”

You don’t have to spend countless hours in the gym to get back in great shape

Execute what’s needed to initiate consistent change and accelerate your  results.

The key is to pick up your overall density within a workout

Density is done by increasing the overall workload within your workout in a very short duration of time

Let me explain

Let’s just say this week is going to be crazy busy for you though as always and there’s just  no possible way for you to hit the weights…

Not a problem.

Below, I give you something you can do outside within the concrete jungle or any terrain that fits your liking.

The Fastest Fat Burning Workout:











This has you keeping things quick and simple

If you are having trouble completing all five rounds, just ease into things and set one goal each time to progress one step further than before

Till next time my friend,

Logan Henry

PS-If you want to really take your results a
step further…

Just Click the Button Below and I’ll send you my
famous FREE overnight blueprint of powerful
“Man-Hacks” which reveals: The EXACT
step-by-step blueprint I use to get coaching
clients FIT, Strong, and Athletic. (plus a full step-by-step nutrition guide)

>> Click Here to Claim Your Free Executive Blueprint

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