You're right..but here's the truth -

You’re right..but here’s the truth

“Truth is like poetry, and most people
f*%*ing hate poetry.”

^little quote drop from the recent flick I
saw with my better half..

“The Big Short”

All I have to say is wow..

Don’t get me wrong it was a good flick my man

but the story was pretty upsetting

Quick low down for you here:

The housing collapse in 2008 was widely do to
the fact that with the rise of housing prices
people had to keep borrowing money…

so in order for the banks to continue to make money

They would end up selling crap loans known as
‘sub prime’ loans to buyers who couldn’t even
afford to pay them back

Pretty messed up ehh..

Basically lying to people

Giving them a false sense of reality by
telling them they could have something

When in reality they really couldn’t and in
the end

Became hurt over it

Which brings me to my point today

No matter how bad it hurts

The TRUTH will always take the REIGN for
producing the results you wish to see

See, I hear it from people all the time

I want to be back in shape and finally have
my confidence back

I want to be more fit and have more energy

Sleep better

Be able to show up for those in my life who
are closest to me

I want the real Me back..

But guess what i’ve learned..

You don’t..

Because If you really did YOU would do it..

You would get help and just do it..

You would do whatever it took

Regardless of the scenario of

‘I don’t have time’

‘I’ve already tried everything’

‘I’m fine being just fat and happy’ (deep
down..I know this is a front of how you
really feel)

This may sound harsh

But it’s the truth..

I love motivational stuff.. and most days I
show you exactly HOW you can do it..

How others have done it

But sometimes the truth helps us more

Getting called out on our own crap

Just as my coaches have pointed out to me

If you really wanted it you would either have
it or be working at it

And I like YOU perhaps.. wasn’t or I was
lying about my current reality


Blaming my situations on everyone else around

and constantly making excuses

Problem is.. The only person that can change
our life is US

No matter how much you ‘hope’ for or wish
that something was different

No one is coming to save you

No one is going to do it for you

And I feel your pain I do..

I’m walking through the fire with you..

I’m doing the best I can every day to make
the vast changes I need to get what I really
want in life

And it starts with this

‘Its not about what you have to do.. but WHO
you have to become’

This is exactly what I start with amongst the
guys within the LostFit family

Everyone arrives looking for a plan (Don’t
worry you get a very good one fit
specifically for you)

But they end up leaving

Not only with a Better Body

More Confidence

More Energy

but also with a new mindset..

one that is crucial to have for shedding the pounds and
getting results that are sustainable




I would have you consider right now you have
what you have because of the way you think…

And until you change how YOU think

You will always keep saying

‘I know what to do I just can’t do it..’

‘I need motivation’

‘I haven’t got time’

The real questions is

WHY don’t I have what I want?

I can’t lose weight or get back in shape
because __________

^Do you know this to be true?

Take a moment

Ponder some thoughts


If you know you need help..

Step out of your own way and take a peek inside what’s new inside here:

Logan ‘The Big Short’ Henry

PS If you’ve tried it all before, you value your time, you’re fed up, you’ve lost motivation, and you’re ready to make a serious change and commit to  a program

that will guarantee you results. Then let’s have a conversation to find out what’s currently holding you back from the results you want, so you can finally get in the shape you want, stress free Click below



Download my famous FREE "Busy Guy's Blueprint to Getting Back in Shape Starter Kit"for Busy Successful Guy's to Get Lean, Strong, and Transform their Bodies Fast, Stress Free, without spending hours in the gym

Here's what you will discover:

  • How to burn MORE fat, by doing LESS exercise (and without doing cardio) so that you can lose weight and still have a life
  • How you can easily DOUBLE your energy levels and STILL have some left in the tank to come home to loved ones 
  • Discover how you can drop some SERIOUS fat whilst still eating like a man...and without spending hours in the that all your guy friends are asking what your 'secret' is
  • Can you lose more weight, have more confidence, more power AND more sex by actually doing LESS than what you think? (the answer will surprise you) 
  • Discover the ONE Simple Trick you can do everyday to Unlock (nearly) Unlimited Power in your Relationships, Career, and Overall Life


"This is a system I use at LostFit to get clients predictable results with habit changes right from the beginning without the overwhelm of complex methods. Clients love that they can see the changes while being excited to keep adding more and more. The goal is not complexity and “looking smart”, the goal is getting my clients amazing results that stick for good; and this is how. Download it and use it - it works!" Logan Henry-Founder & Master Transformational Coach at LostFit


About the Author Logan Henry