Ever had that thought creep in your mind
Anytime you were working hard to accomplish
but nothing ever seemed to go your way
(I sure as hell know I have)
Especially when shit hits the fan
and the obstacle you’re facing is a lot bigger than
you first thought it would be
Which is exactly the same thoughts that were
racing through long time lfit elite member
Dustin M’s head the last time we spoke
amongst the group
He had faced a few weeks where life hit him
like a ton of bricks
surrendering to these problems instead
overcoming them seemed like a tempting idea
It was hard for him to stay consistent with a
lot of things like
You name it
Stress was at an all time high and he felt
completely trapped..
Until he actually saw a tiny light shine
through and all wasn’t as bad as his thoughts
made it to be
Needless to say as of last week the obstacle
and the next time we spoke it was back to the
old Dustin I knew
Determined that nothing was going to stand in
his way from accomplishing what he ultimately
wanted to acheive
Telling me quote:
“It ain’t over yet”
I could tell by his voice he wasn’t kidding
I mean the man has lost 80 pounds of body fat
so far (which already surpasses his original goal)
and he’s still determined to come out as one
of the best transformations to come through
the LFit Arena
We will just have to see just how his greatness
but for now, I want to shine some light on your
For real (stay with me here chico)
Where in your life right now has life hit you
so hard (or small)
that you feel it’s impossible to achieve the
endeavor you’re after..
Could be within your
Whatever it might be your mission is this
Write down that big problem that is currently
stopping you in your tracks
Analyze it
and ask yourself
Is this ultimate problem I’m facing truly
going to stop me..?
99.99% of the time it’s a big fat NO
And once you determine this
Your next step is to write down the steps you
need to take to get past this hurdle and get
what it is you actually want
Hit reply to this message and let me know
what you discover
Go here: www.lostfit.com/explore
and we can talk about creating an outline for
you to overcome these obstacles much easier
Logan ‘It ain’t over yet’ Henry
PS If you would like a free step-by-step blueprint to help you accelerate your results and use as a catalyst to take back control of your health
Apply For An Exploration Call. This will allow us to have a conversation to see where it is you are struggling and what the best plan of action is for you to get exactly what you want.