How I would lose fat if I were you (You need to see this) -

How I would lose fat if I were you (You need to see this)

What would I do If I was trying to lose fat
and get back in shape?

^^ Got asked this the other day

And to be honest Its pretty simple..

The trouble with simple is everyone tries to
overcomplicate it

Because we think

‘It cant be that easy’

But here’s the deal

It isn’t easy…


So numero uno

I would spend at least a week tracking what I

Now before you start telling me you haven’t
got time

It takes two minutes..

My Fitness Pal is easy to use

and all you have to do is scan the product or
pick from their database.. EASY

And If you are old school..

Just write it down as soon as you eat it..
That way you wont ‘forget'<– I used to do
that a lot


See how much water you are drinking. Boring I
know but vital for losing weight/fat 3-4
litres will do the trick

How many litres are you drinking?

How consistent are you?

And Pissing like a race horse is OK in the
beginning.. it slows down honest

Note: It’s been proven that those that drink
a substantial amount of water will lose up to
4x as much weight/fat

So START drinking

and to see more benefits of hydration check
this new video I made for you over here:


3—>Lower my calories.. just SLIGHTLY

BY cutting out crap like chips, pizza,
alcohol and whatever else you love to eat and

++NOT completely or I would go nuts

Seriously BALANCE is key and I’m not going to
live life like a hermit (neither should you)

Just make a conscious effort to cut down on
it and see where you are



Do 30 minutes of exercise per day (minimum 3x a week)

WOW that sounds loads you think..

Honestly, you are probably spending 5 x that
m around on FB or on your phone

Just keep rest periods short and ramp up that
heart rate (bedroom olympics are fair game)

^^At the end of the day if you are currently
doing nothing starting will be enough

Don’t convince yourself you need to spend
hours hammering away at it (we’re talking
exercise here… you just need to START

and the 5th

Get some support

I’m serious why do you think I invest in
coaches from all over world to guide me?

Because if you want FAST results you need
support and accountability from people on the
same mission as you

And someone who is PROVEN at getting you
there (like me)

Without it.. You will just end up falling off
the wagon AGAIN..

And uttering the famous ‘Ill start Monday’

Monday’s already past..and you still haven’t done
anything about it yet

Of course you can stop that by clicking here:

and learning how we are transforming stressed
out busy professionals into lean,
confident POWERFUL warriors

But seriously with all you have going on

Work, Social Life, Family and rushing about
doing everything for everyone except yourself

Don’t you think its time you invested in YOU?

Because you won’t get a lean, toned, healthy
body that makes you intimidately confident

if you keep dong the same things that aren’t

PS If you want daily access to

inside information that will help accelerate your results

both mentally and physically..

Join the LostFit insiders by dropping your email address below (or to the side) and unlock the secrets to burning fat

and discover the truth on how to actually unleash your best body ever





































About the Author Logan Henry