The drive to continue can be especially hard
in any area of life my friend
I’m all about taking action..
Motivation is the starting point, but the
equation below basically sums it up..
Talk-Action= NOTHING
You can say your going to start something,
but until you actually do, it means nothing
We all struggle with resistance everyday..
Procrastination can be the most potent form
Though procrastination is usually in
Behind a 4 letter word that 99% of the time
is completely irrational
Meaning it’s false evidence that to you
and the story you’ve made up in your head is
It keeps people stuck in the same rut
Spinning their wills, they’ve tried this diet
or that program
Until they’ve had enough and feel like
“What is this word you speak of Logan?”
The word, my friend is…
(BTW I suffer with it too-I’m only human)
See I really don’t care about the excuses
that people give into as of why they aren’t
in the shape they desire right now..
The reason they aren’t is very simple.
They’re truly TERRIFIED.
Coaching those who everyday are successful in most aspects of
their lives
but the one thing that is the backbone to all
of the above is going by the waste side
Body & Health
Because their scared
Scared of uncomfortable change
Scared of what others might think
Scared of being criticized
Scared of failing Scared of the typical “I
told you so”
and you know what?
“JUST DO IT” does NOTHING to help the
situation either
(that’s usually said by people living a lie
___How to Conquer Your Fear___
Fear is an EMOTION
Behind every fear you have is exactly the
person you want to be
It’s usually caused by mass amounts of
Thinking that is a false sense of reality..
Is what your thinking actually TRUE
I GUARANTEE you it’s not
how do I know this?
because it hasn’t actually happened yet
Your stressed and scared for one simple
^^is this not true..
Telling yourself a different story
one that
keeps you where you are
in your comfort zone
**Fixing it comes down to a few key things
1) Get clear on what it is you resist (your
2) Create a plan that breaks down exactly
what it is you want (your goal)
3) figure out how your going to get there and
by what time (write an exact date and time
4) Celebrate certain progress made along your
journey- (your victorious benchmarks)
5) Turn the one thing you “should do” into
the thing you absolutely “MUST DO”
Easier said than done, right?
All the above is great info if applied every
single day,
but that’s just it
Information will help, but the one thing that
will take you to the next level..
-someone guiding you past all the BS -someone
who keeps you on point
-someone that’s there when your life gets
-someone to hold you to all the things you said
you we’re going to do
^^^true accountability ^^^
Speaking of accountability..
It’s the #1 thing that was lacking through
all of these guys before they entered this
They had enough and finally..
took ACTION and let their RESULTS speak for
So I’m here not to simply motivate you, but
to give you the tools needed to take
appropriate action
Next time you start your day, figure out the
most challenging task and knock it out first
before anything else
Could be training for an hour or taking a
nice walk
Could be getting to work and knocking out
Could be taking time to be fully present (no
phones or devices) around the ones you love
Could finally be doing that one thing you’ve
been putting off for far too long just
because it scares you
APPLY this to everyday, even the weekends and
watch how things unfold
To fighting resistance,
Logan “keeping you accountable” Henry
PS Accountability is truly one of the main
reasons people join our our elite coaching
Accountability and support from guys on the
same mission as you is the missing link in
all of it
You can check what’s open here:
Or just keep jumping from plan to plan
Pissing about wasting your time and money
The choice is yours