“I got to tell you man, this is by far the
greatest I’ve ever felt in my life before”
Quite a choice of strong words from lfit elite member
Elliott Summey
Now, I don’t say this to impress you having
you think
“O, that’s great for him”
quite the contrary my friend
I say this to press upon you what got him to
this point
See, just like you
Elliott lives life in the fast lane
On top of that he’s a
Harding working business man
Loving Husband and Father of 2
Staying on point with his health wasn’t the
easiest task at hand
So instead of just throwing his hands up
just ‘winging it’
He went straight to the source and got on
board living the lostfit life
Click Here to take the next
step in your transformation
He continued by telling me:
“I see it all the time within my own business’s,
where people refuse to do the very thing that
will get them to accomplish a task or a goal to
their greatest ability… asking for help”
I believe everyone…especially us guys are
guilty of this to a fault..
I know I’ve refused to ask for help plenty of times even when I knew deep down I needed it
but I’d have you consider
To get what you want out of life, YOU must be
willing to get out of your own way..
Excuses like:
” I don’t have the time”
“I’m too busy”
“I can’t afford it”
All become Irrelevant because in the end
It’s YOU who has the ability to change
It’s YOU who has the ability to make time
and it comes down to YOU
who makes your own decisions..
NOT someone else
So I ask you this
Where in your life are you letting yourself
stand in your own way of accomplishing a goal
you wish to achieve?
and your mission is this
Regardless of the area of life
whether it be your body, your relationships,
or your career..
Whatever is is..
ASK for help
I reckon a good place to start is here: https://loganhenrylive.com/level-up/
Logan ‘Get out of your own way’ Henry
PS If you’ve tried it all before, you value your time, you’re fed up, you’ve lost motivation, and you’re ready to make a serious change and commit to a program
that will guarantee you results. Then let’s have a conversation to find out what’s currently holding you back from the results you want, so you can finally get in the shape you want, stress free Click below